Lodging And Furnished Vacation Rental Advice For Travelers

Lodging And Furnished Vacation Rental Advice For Travelers

Taking a long needed vacation is one of the best ways imaginable to relieve stress and gain a fresh perspective on life. However, there are a few basic yet important considerations with regard to lodging and furnished vacation rentals worth discussing. For example, knowing who to contact with regard to maintenance related issues in a rental property is essential to ensuring that your vacation is not interrupted by plumbing, electrical or other similar problems.

Catalog Any Potential Damage

One great idea with regard to renting a vacation property is to always take pictures upon arrival and on the last day of your rental. This is a smart and effective way to catalog any potential damage that may have occurred prior to your arrival or during your stay in particular. With most smart phones it is easy and convenient to take pictures and retain them as a measure of caution. Even videotaping with a smart phone or a camcorder is a good way to make record the condition of a rental property before and after your stay.

Left In The Same Condition

Those renting a furnished property for a short-term or long-term vacation should ask all pertinent questions with regard to housekeeping policy. While some rentals offer cleaning services as a way to maintain a property, others require that those renting a vacation home provide their own housekeeping services. Either way, it is essential to maintain a rental home in good condition throughout the entire duration of a stay. With that said, renters should ensure that a vacation home is left in the same condition as when it was first rented.

Rental Contract

Finally, it is always good to know well in advance all of the specifics and details with regard to your rental contract. For example, it is good to know specifically who will be responsible for cleaning a vacation rental upon checkout. It is also a smart idea to know who is responsible for paying phone service, cable service, Internet service and other utility bills. Also worth knowing in advance is how many people are authorized to occupy a vacation rental at the same time. This and other information such as pet policies should all be known well in advance. Contact Signature Vacation Rentals today as a way to learn more about Phoenix lodging and Phoenix furnished vacation homes.