Opening Day for Spring Training


Opening day for Spring Training is right around the corner, March 4th 2010 and I’m starting to get excited. Honestly I can hardly wait for it. I love going to the downtown Scottsdale stadium to watch the Cubs and the Giants slug it out. By the time we hit the 7th inning stretch were all going to be singing “Take me out the ball game” while chomping down on hot dogs, drinking a cold beverage and soaking in the sunshine in the awesome 70-degree temperatures.

I know for a fact many of Arizona Lodging Experts guest have come here specifically for the baseball games so I have a free tip for all of you! At the Giants home games Scottsdale’s downtown office will be distributing a Spring Training Coupon Book. Be on the lookout for it as the book has a lot of worthwhile coupons in it.

You can also buy your general admission tickets online at

Play Ball!!!!!